Crisis agreements for health are activated in three regions


The municipalities and regions of Sweden, SKR and the employers’ organization Sobona have decided to activate agreements on crisis situations in three regions, after the regions have requested it.

The crisis agreement allows you to take more time off work for a period, the measure of regular work time is increased to 48 hours per week. In addition, it is possible to deposit and loan personnel between the affected regions.

Stockholm region, Västra Götaland Region and Gävleborg region all have done all that could reasonably be required to ensure staffing and exhausted all possibilities under the ordinary collective agreement. Therefore, we choose, according to the request of the regions, to activate the crisis situation agreement in these three regions, says Joakim Larsson, chairman of the negotiating delegation at SKR in a press release.

“There are limits to what you can ask for”

The agreement allows calling staff who have already been granted leave, but in Västra Götaland it is not relevant to force staff of origin who have already left at Christmas.

– There are limits to what you can ask employees. As an employee, you are not a servant. The deal is also based on having the strength to work harder, and the most important thing right now is that the staff really have the strength. We will also be staffed next year, says Ann Söderström, director of health and medical care in the Västra Götaland region.

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In the clip above, Ann Söderström, Västra Götaland Region Healthcare Director, explains why they intend to activate the crisis agreement over the Christmas weekend. Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall / TT

This spring, Stockholm, as the only region, activated the crisis agreement. Then it lasted five months.
