Due to the tense situation in intensive care at the county hospital, the regional board has requested that the crisis agreement be activated for intensive care operations in the Stockholm region. according to a press release on the region’s website.
Both the spread of infection and the need for medical attention remain high. At the same time, sick leave among employees of emergency hospitals is higher than normal.
The Stockholm Regional Board believes that an activation of the crisis situation agreement is necessary to ensure the supply of personnel within the VAT.
“To be used for the shortest possible time”
The crisis agreement means greater flexibility in terms of obligation to work, work schedules and other conditions. In return, employees receive higher compensation.
– If the crisis agreement is activated now, it will be used with great restriction and for the shortest time possible because it is very difficult for our employees to work according to the terms of the crisis agreement, says Ulrika Sundquist, HR director of the Stockholm Region.
A crisis agreement would affect Södertälje Hospital, Danderyd Hospital, Södersjukhuset Hospital and Capio St. Göran Hospital, which works on behalf of the Stockholm Region.
“No one thought it could be activated for so long”
This spring, Stockholm, as the only region, activated the crisis agreement. It lasted five months and that’s what it sounded like when it ended in August: