The White House exudes a tranquil Christmas atmosphere from the outside with beautiful large green wreaths with red ribbons hanging from the outer frames of the tall windows. After nearly six months, Congress has managed to agree on a $ 900 billion financial aid package that will also provide some relief to Americans affected by unemployment and poverty. The money was supposed to be paid before Christmas, but it may take months before it arrives. This means that churches and charities report that people, who have never asked for help before, are lining up across the United States to receive food packages before Christmas.
It is mainly on twitter that Trump communicates, but here it is not his duties as president that dominate. Instead, it goes on to claim that it has been the subject of advanced and systematic electoral fraud.
Now a series of information is leaking from the White House that Donald Trump on at least one occasion in the Oval Office has discussed drastic measures to reject the electoral result. It is not clear whether this information is intentionally leaked by anonymous sources to create concern both in Congress (where the outcome will be determined on January 6) and in society at large. They can also be people in Trump’s inner circle who want to point out that there are discussions that require determined countermeasures.
Information on plans for a military state of emergency
This includes the information that Trump would be interested in proclaiming a state of military emergency so that he could confiscate the voting machines and demand an entirely new election. Now, however, Trump denies on twitter that he proposed it, but at the same time there is other information that the Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in an exchange of words with the president opposed the idea. Meadows and some other high-ranking White House officials, who are said to have objected, may have begun to distance themselves in the same way that Richard Nixon’s closest did when the Watergate trap was tightened.
Nixon fired the employees, came out in lengthy harangues and swear words, ömson threatened to take everyone close to him on the case and alternatively offer pardons in exchange for loyalty. He drank uncontrollably and called himself mourners. He cried and complained to both employees and ministers and people whom he had previously considered of no use.
The paragraph that could topple Trump
Judging by anonymous reports, Donald Trump is on the same path as Nixon, with the exception of alcohol because Trump is a sober person. At the height of Nixon’s mood swings and more or less hidden threats about what he might do as president, minority Republican leaders in the House and Senate welcomed him into the White House. They did something in common with Senator Barry Goldwater, close to Nixon, and announced that he should resign.
At the time, he was very close to the constitution’s “inappropriate as president” clause being used even before the planned Supreme Court because there were two and a half years left in Nixon’s term.

Outside there is a Christmas atmosphere, inside a bunker. Photo: Evan Vucci
Barely a month left
Donald Trump has just under a month left as president. But Republicans in the House of Representatives are prepared, along with Trump, to question the election result when it is confirmed in Congress on January 6. And the question is what role Vice President Mike Pence intends to play. He is the formal president of the Senate.
The circle around Trump in the White House is getting smaller and smaller. Now listen to attorney Sidney Powell, who was recently fired from her legal team because her conspiracy theories were too broad. Former chief strategist Steve Bannon, who was fired by Trump three years ago, is also back.
The bunker atmosphere is getting harsher and the reluctance to give up is growing stronger. But on the outside, the White House exudes a laid-back Christmas atmosphere.