The temporary law against the pandemic can take effect on January 15; it will give the government the opportunity to close stores and gyms.


– The ambition is to introduce a bill in the Riksdag on the Law against the pandemic, or parts of the Law against the pandemic, on January 4. I can confirm it, says the Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren (S).

The government’s goal is that the new temporary law on pandemics can enter into force on January 15.

According to the blueprint that the Riksdag is working on, the government will present the bill on January 4, so that the Riksdag can debate and decide on the proposal on January 8.

This means that the Riksdag must interrupt the Christmas holidays, which has not happened since the 2004 tsunami disaster.

Right now, it is the final sprint of more than a hundred consultation bodies, which will present comments on the bill that is under consultation. The deadline is December 23rd.

From Monday to Friday, the Legal Council is expected to give its opinion on the temporary pandemic law.

With the new temporary law against the pandemic, the government can, for example, decide to close shops, gyms, museums and campsites, stop public transport and flights, introduce a ban on meeting with more than a certain number of people in public places and prohibit people from staying in certain places. parks and beaches.

But it’s also possible to take less intrusive measures like limiting opening hours and how many people can be on a bus or in a store.

Maria Davidsson / TT

Peter Wallberg / TT
