Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh: Denmark must take responsibility


On Monday, many raised their voices and called for the closure of the border between Sweden and Denmark.

The reason is that a new form of mutated coronavirus has been found in Denmark. Many Scanian politicians now hope that leisure travel from Denmark can be temporarily stopped.

– With the development that we have had and that the new infection has established itself in Denmark, I look at it with concern. So a closure is reasonable, I think, says Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh.

On Monday morning, Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh contacted Interior Minister Mikael Damberg.

– I wanted to clarify how we feel down here and also to be able to express in words the concerns we feel here.

– It’s 20 minutes and very easy to get here and shop for the Danes. But it is very unnecessary.

The government must take responsibility

Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh believes that the Danish government has a great responsibility to ensure that the rules that actually exist are followed to stop the spread of the infection.

– I think the Danish government should make sure not to put pressure on Danish purchases and public visits to Sweden. Follow the quarantine rules that are in the Danish regulations.

– Keeping the rules lowers the incentives for Danes to go shopping in Emporia.

Sound like a relatively high-pitched call?

– I think so. Everyone who can must act in various ways, and this also applies to the Danish government. That it is not only about their territory, but that they have the responsibility of the entire region.

– The situation in Sweden has been discussed above. Now may be the time to make the problem visible in the other direction.

At the same time, Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh expects the border closure to be short-lived.

– In the situation we find ourselves in now, an extremely unusual situation, taking offensive measures feels legitimate. But in the hope that it is brief.

READ MORE: Politicians want to close the border with Denmark
READ MORE: Malmö’s response on the border: “I hope it passes quickly”
READ MORE: Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh (S) on Denmark shutting down Scania

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