For more than three years, one of the world’s largest icebergs has floated around the South Atlantic. The iceberg called A68a is estimated to be around 4,000 square kilometers (larger than Gotland) and strong currents have washed the mountain towards the island of South Georgia in the South Atlantic.
For several weeks, researchers have followed the iceberg’s movement onto the island and there are concerns that the iceberg will get stuck on the seafloor and disturb the rich wildlife.
On the island there are large colonies of king and macaroni penguins and millions of seals of various species and the iceberg can make it difficult for animals to hunt for food.
Broke in two
In recent days, strong currents have caused the iceberg to rotate and a large part of the rock has come loose. The piece is 150 square kilometers in size (roughly twice that of Malmö) and is categorized as its own iceberg called A68d.
The currents have caused the largest mountain to change course to the east, but it still puts wildlife on the island at risk, the Reuters news agency reports.
See images of the iceberg and how the course has changed in recent days in the video above.