It can be anything from having parking spaces so you can take your car to work instead of going to the municipality, to taking breaks and enough time to eat your food in peace and quiet, says Sineva Ribeiro.
– It is also about the staff wanting to provide safe and secure care. Caring for more and more patients is hard work. Now he has crossed the border, he has gone too far. And it is based on a shortage dating back several years where the number of specialized nurses has declined, Sineva Ribeiro tells TT.
Municipalities and regions of Sweden (SKR) affirms that they listen to the criticism and say they understand that there is a discussion among the employees in the current situation.
– At the same time, it is important to remember that employers have a double responsibility, both for patients and for healthcare personnel. Employers take a lot of action here and now. Then there is also a long-term need to develop work organization, collective agreements and more, says Jeanette Hedberg, SKR’s deputy chief negotiator.
There are many lessons to learn withdraw from the pandemic, says Jeanette Hedberg.
But ultimately it is about all of us taking on our responsibility together to prevent the spread of infection. That’s what’s important and most crucial right now, says Jeanette Hedberg.