Wants to dive in Estonia – Damberg: Good question marks can be clarified


Of: Matilda Aprea Malmqvist, Oskar Forsberg


The Accident Investigation Board wants to allow diving in sunken Estonia.

The reason is the newly discovered holes in the ferry.

– Now we will review the serious peace law, says Interior Minister Mikael Damberg (S).

The Accident Investigation Board wants to allow diving in sunken Estonia. You want to be able to do new underwater studies.

This is due to the information in the documentary about the ferry that was released this year.

“We need to do more research on the hull, the damage and the two holes,” says John Ahlberk, managing director of the Swedish Accident Investigation Board.

You’ll also want to be able to salvage smaller parts of the boat.

– Holes in the hull were not discovered in the dives that were made in the 90’s. That is why we are doing this now. That was new information for us, says John Ahlberk.

It will be implemented in 2021

Also, they want to document the bottom of the lake around the wreck. They also want to take samples, partly from the hull and partly from the Estonian seabed.

The law of peace of the grave will not be repealed but will be amended. He wants to make sure that the international agreement on tranquility does not penalize new investigations into the ferry.

According to Interior Minister Damberg, it will be possible to implement the changes to the law early next year.

Damberg: It’s good that the question marks can be clarified.

Interior Minister Mikael Damberg tells Aftonbladet that he thinks it is good that the new questions accompanying the Estonian documentary are investigated.

– When I saw the documentary I thought it was new information, the hole had not been reported before. Then it turned out that there were additional holes. So I felt it would be interesting to follow this, what position does the Accident Investigation Board occupy. Estonia wanted to start an investigation into what is behind the aid from Finland and Sweden. I think it is good that the question marks can be clarified.

He says the accident commission has contacted family members and survivors who are aware of what will happen.

– My ambition and that of the Accident Investigation Board is that we will do this in a very careful manner. My message is clear: we have no plans to abolish the Peace of the Tomb, but we will make adjustments that will allow investigative measures.

To what extent is the Swedish government the reason why conspiracy theories of various kinds survive?

– No way. Those who spread conspiracy theories have their own interest in this. It must be done with transparency, openness and clarity in decisions and with that I believe that credibility is created over time.

– There has been information about new holes and they will be investigated. It does not benefit family members if people also speculate about things you do not know.

When exactly the new dives will take place, Mikael Damberg still cannot give an answer.

– Our ambition is to have new legislation in force in the next six months. Hopefully I can present more in mid-January after the government committees meet.

The bow visor is recovered.

Photo: Urban Andersson

The bow visor is recovered.


Estonia M / S.

Photo: DPLAY

The damage to the Estonian hull is four meters high and 1.2 meters at the widest point. Here it is illustrated in a graph.


