Grant decision postponed for Ibn Rushd


Last summer, the Ibn Rushd study association applied for approximately half a million kronor more in municipal grants for 2020 compared to the previous year. Then the politicians on the social resources committee decided to freeze all grant payments and an external review of the economy was ordered.

After the review, officials suggested that Gothenburg politicians must stop contributions to the study association. The reports have been kept secret, but SVT Nyheter Väst has been able to reveal that the agency has found several deficiencies and question marks regarding the association’s financial accounts.

But on Wednesday, the politicians disagreed and the issues were returned.

– I was hoping that we could make a decision today. We have research that shows black and white about the problems that exist, says Nina Miskovsky (M), chair of the social resources committee in Gothenburg.

– I think the moderates are desperate to say so. Near the meeting, we came to know of a PWC report dealing with financial transactions. It gave a different picture with conflicting information regarding the second report by KPMG. We want management to look at the data and go back to the committee so that the committee gets an answer as to why they may come to such different conclusions about the economy. We have not changed our attitude about how tax funds should be used, says Marina Johansson (S), who is a member of the committee.

Therefore, the report will be kept secret as it is classified as working material. Since the turn of the year, a new board organization is applied in Gothenburg. Instead, the decision is expected to be made on January 26 by the Center for Social Welfare.
