After the new year, In less than three weeks, the transition period in EU-UK relations will end after the country left the Union on the last day of January earlier this year. During this transition period, the EU rules that covered the British during their time as EU members continued to apply. In other words, it is from January 1, 2021 that the consequences of the country’s decision to leave the EU will begin to have serious effect. For Swedish companies and Sweden as a country, this change means a monumental change. To avoid serious suffering, both the private and public sectors must realize the importance of what is happening now and make the necessary preparations.
We do not yet know what to expect from the EU-UK relationship after the transition period. To a large extent, this relationship depends on the parties agreeing to an agreement that governs these future relationships. Whether it is an agreement or not, and despite the uncertainty surrounding the content of a possible agreement, we know that relations between the EU and the United Kingdom will be very different from 31 December this year.