Yesterday, researcher Kenny Adersjö had to start his workday by opening packages. Not because it started Christmas, but because two colleagues basically broke into everything in his office. The increase was first noticed by SVT Väst.
The sound of the torn paper was accompanied by laughter from across the hall where the colleagues have their room.
– We work very closely and usually we shut up and joke with all the misery there is. With all the crime and vulnerability, sometimes you also have to have some flashes of light, says Kenny Adersjö.
READ MORE: Wrap packages in style: five step-by-step examples
The desk is still unpacked
Without a doubt, his colleagues did their best. In addition to the computer, screen, phone and keyboard, they also included notepads, sticky notes, pens, speakers, headphones, USB sticks, and a calendar. The clean and dirty coffee pot, coffee and cups also became Christmas packages. The elephant ear on the desk survived, but not his pot.
As we speak, the desk itself is still included, as well as some pencils and a photo of Kenny Adersjö’s family.
– I have the ER on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so maybe I can open it then, he says.
The gifts are the police assistants Michaela and Lina, who do not want to participate with surnames. They have been working with Kenny Adersjö for almost a year. The wrap lasted about two hours and Michaela insists it was done outside of business hours.
Why did you want to spend time on this?
– It’s a good question, says Michaela and laughs.
– It wasn’t really that difficult, and in the meantime we also had fun.
READ MORE: Therese got rid of all the Christmas presents in the mall parking lot
Unicorn Chocolate Calendar
Why Kenny?
– It must have been nice before Christmas? In any case, we felt it was worth a small package, says Michaela.
What do you think of the fact that the invention sparked journalists’ conversations?
– It was a little hit or miss actually. That wasn’t really the idea when we wrapped the package, says Michaela and laughs again.
In addition to the stationery, there was also a royal gift among the packages, more specifically a chocolate calendar with the image of a unicorn.
Do you have a special relationship with unicorns?
– No. Until now, says Kenny Adersjö.
READ MORE: This is how you avoid infection when you pick up the packages
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