Former EU MP Fredrick Federley announced on Friday that he was leaving politics. Ever since it became known that Fredrick Federley was in a relationship with a man who was convicted of aggravated rape of a child, the C-top has been on sick leave.
Annie Lööf believes it was a wise decision for Fredrik Federley to resign.
– I’ve read the verdict myself – it’s one of the most disgusting I’ve ever read. These are heinous and unforgivable crimes. Now Fredrick has told me that he has known about these crimes since last summer. We think it should have said it in that situation, and not take several months.
Do you see any possibility that he will return to the Center Party?
– Our goal now is to make sure Emma Wiesner gets off to a good start in Brussels. What will happen in the future for Fredrick Federley can only answer Fredrik Federley.
But the door is not closed?
– It’s only been a few days since Fredrick Federley made the wise decision to drop all his political assignments. He chose to leave politics.
In an interview with Ekot, Annie Lööf is asked if her confidence as a party leader has been damaged by the attention. She says she hopes people will listen to her when she said she acted as soon as she received the information.