WHO recommends mouth protection this Christmas


In the statement, the WHO admits that mouth guards can be uncomfortable when spending time with the family, but that “it contributes significantly to keeping everyone safe and healthy.”

Already in early December, the WHO tightened its recommendations for the use of mouth guards, urging that they be used in poorly ventilated workplaces, schools and shops.

In Sweden, the Swedish Public Health Agency has chosen not to recommend the use of oral protection as it is considered that there are not enough studies to show that the protection is effective enough for a recommendation.

– It is a constant evaluation that we do with the regions to see if it is worth an effort, said state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell during a press conference.

Warns of future increased infection

In addition to the new oral protection tips, the WHO has also issued a warning that Europe may see a further spread of the infection in early 2021.

Tom Britton, professor of mathematical statistics at Stockholm University, previously warned that a third wave could hit Sweden as early as February.

– If we manage to cushion the current wave fairly quickly and the infection comes down to Christmas, then there is a risk that we will start to relax and ignore the recommendations in February. So it can certainly be a third wave. So the second wave tends to be smaller than the first and the third smaller than the second, he told Expressen in late November.

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Tegnell’s two examples: the steps that remain to be taken

The state epidemiologist: “Of course there is more to do.”
READ MORE: Criticism after Anders Tegnell’s statement
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