Introduce additional controls after 200 seconds of disclosure
Of: Christoffer Nilsson, Lindah C Mohlin, Robert Aschberg
On Monday, 200 seconds revealed the moldy dirt on Skånemejerier.
The dairy claims it repackages more than 6,000 cheeses a year, not least due to mold infestation.
– Not allowed, says Petter Jonsson, department head of the National Food Administration.
Skånemejerier produces the homemade cheese from Ica and 200 seconds of secret recordings showed the mold problems behind the breakfast favorite.
The cheeses were given new life and new packaging after Skånemejerier employees cleaned up the mold. According to the employees, it was started and carried out according to the instructions of the managers.
– You can smell mold for hours after you stop, said a source.
Skånemejerier’s communications director, Anette Gregow, stated that by 2020 the company has repackaged more than 6,300 cheeses.
“Repackaging occurs for a number of reasons, such as packaging errors or the presence of mold on the surface,” he wrote in an email.
But according to the National Food Administration, the number of repackaged mold-infested cheeses should be zero.
– It is not allowed to change a product in this way. Opening a package, cutting out the mold and creating a new package, if that’s what has happened, it’s not allowed, says Petter Jonsson, a department head for the National Food Administration.
After publication, the National Food Administration decided to initiate a control case on Skånemejerier.
– We have been in contact with Skånemejerier and what we do is check this, how the packaging is created and the routines of the company to handle products in which there has been a mold growth, that new products are not created from those products says Jonsson.
“I didn’t feel acceptable”
After Monday’s 200-second post, Ica hit the emergency brake and halted all sales of the cheese. According to Lena Sparring, quality manager, they are now having a dialogue with Skånemejerier and will also go into the background with the production conditions.
– What we saw in the movie did not seem acceptable to us, says Lena Sparring.
In a press release Monday afternoon, Skånemejerier wrote that in the future they will change their routines and stop repacking cheese that has traces of mold.
200 seconds is Aftonbladet and Viafree’s TV show for quick reviews, which is perfect to watch on your mobile phone.
Robert Aschberg, Lindah C Mohlin and Christoffer Nilsson sees abuse of power, contemporary phenomena and individual cases that arouse emotions.
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