Betting on covid deaths at the Swedish Social Security Agency


For “a period,” employees had arranged bets on the reported deaths. On Friday, December 4, Area Manager Eva Alner Liljedahl took notice of it all.

– It’s awful. Completely unacceptable, Eva Alner Liljedahl tells Gefle Dagblad.

The group of staff met on Monday, December 7 for a meeting and were briefed on the authority’s ethical codes.

An action plan has now been drawn up and a values ​​education for a government employee will be provided in spring, according to a document Gefle Dagblad has read.

According to information from Gefle Dagblad, a unit manager must have known about the bet without acting.

– Yes, it’s horrible. Of course, this means that there will be a research conversation with me. Otherwise, I do not go into details there, it is a personal matter, Eva Alner Liljedahl tells the newspaper.

According to Eva Alner Liljedahl, those involved have understood the seriousness of the situation and are sorry.

Ellinor Knoxborn / TT
