According to the Prime Minister, it was already clear this spring that elderly care in general was not equipped to handle a pandemic. The Crown Commission claims that the government’s action in the spring was late and insufficient.
– It would be strange if a report like this did not conclude that things have to be done differently, says Stefan Löfven (S) and underlines that he has not yet read the full report.
He believes that the report will lead to a discussion on resources, working conditions, employment conditions, skills and the working environment and structural issues.
– I assume and welcome the fact that the Commission will point out what should be done better. As a Social Democratic Prime Minister, I welcome a debate on caring for the elderly, says Stefan Löfven.
Both the National Board of Health and Welfare and the Swedish Public Health Agency receive criticism in the report, but the Prime Minister does not want to agree with the criticism.
– I have had no reason to mistrust any authority because they have not handled this in the best possible way, says Stefan Löfven.
Sweden Democrats The group’s leader, Henrik Vinge, mainly emphasizes that the Commission assigns a clear and heavy responsibility to the government.
– I hope it has the effect that the government takes over the situation and does not pass it on to someone else and says: it is the responsibility of the regions, it is the responsibility of the authorities. Of course, there are also reasons to discuss the actions of other actors, but the Commission is clear that the government controls the country and is responsible. It is important that you establish it, says Henrik Vinge.
At the practical level, he considers it most important to improve infection testing and tracking, but also to ensure the availability of adequate protective equipment. Henrik Vinge also points out that the Commission identifies the lack of linguistic competence as a problem in caring for the elderly.
– Elderly care has been used as an integration measure to provide work for newcomers and the linguistic confusion has been accepted. It has reduced the opportunities to give clear instructions to staff on what to do, says Henrik Vinge.
Karin Rågsjö, a member of the Riksdag’s Social Affairs Committee for the Left Party describes the commission’s criticism as “painful.”
– There have been governments for many years that have not improved care for the elderly. It is a slow impoverishment of elderly care that has been going on for a long time. They’ve known, but it’s only now that it’s turned into a disaster that they act, he says.
Karin Rågsjö believes that the report shows that regions and municipalities also have a great responsibility.
– Protective equipment is primarily the responsibility of the regions. This also applies to how visits to the doctor have worked. How to deal with covids in the home is the responsibility of both the municipality and the region.
Karin Rågsjö shoots from outside The report concludes that two things are more important to resolve urgently: on the one hand, access to protective equipment, and on the other hand, that hourly employment becomes full-time care for the elderly. But he also believes that the crisis has shown that Sweden must have clearer national governance in this area.
DN is seeking feedback from other parties.
The text is updated.