The consultation period recently expired for SOU 2020: 33, an investigation that aims to review the dimensioning and management of upper secondary education and municipal adult education. In several respects, the consultation responses of the Swedish Municipalities and Regions (SKR) and the Confederation of Swedish Companies agree. For example, that more people need to study vocational training and that the application pressure is in many cases too low. Low application pressure is also a key reason why not all municipalities offer all vocational training. According to the Education Law, the educational offer of the municipalities and the number of places in them must be adapted as far as possible to the wishes of young people.
SKR, like the Swedish Business Confederation, has a keen interest in the education system to a greater extent in delivering the skills that the labor market needs. But when it comes to how our positions diverge. The Confederation of Swedish Companies, like the investigation, believes that this should be done by the State that assumes responsibility for the dimensioning of places within the upper secondary school (SvD Debate 7/12). And that the number of places in certain courses should be reduced so that more people can study professional programs. SKR considers the Swedish Business Confederation and the research impact assessment to be too basic. If the number of places in college preparatory programs is reduced, grades will be even more important in admission to upper secondary education and will contribute to certain groups of students having little room to choose education. The Swedish School Inspectorate also warns against this in its response to the query: “[…] For example, sizing university preparation programs, as a group, despite great interest in students, means that a group of students with complete but not high grades does not find a comprehensive educational offer, which is a goal of according to the Education Law “.