Based on the election results, Democratic candidate Joe Biden is expected to get 306 electoral votes, compared to 232 for current President Donald Trump. Vice President Kamala Harris will also be voted on in the same way.
At the same time, Trump continues to claim that he won the election. When asked if lawyers could prove voter fraud, Donald Trump said:
– We never have the opportunity, because they always reject us.
Despite President Trump’s claims and remarks, voter voting will be able to take place without any problem, says SVT correspondent Stefan Åsberg.
– Voting takes place in state capitals and voters are required in most states to vote exactly as voters wanted on November 3. The reason we are following all the steps so closely is because Donald Trump has not yet been defeated.
“There is no legal basis”
This weekend, riots broke out as Democrats and counter-protesters rallied in Washington and other parts of the United States. Democrats wanted to support their presidential candidate, and counter-protesters who believe election fraud was committed wanted to show their support for Trump.
– 20 people were arrested and four were stabbed. It remains a tense situation in many places. Texas has requested that 20 million votes be rejected in the crucial states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia and Michigan because Texas believes the states have extended the time for voting by mail too much. This has been stated in a lawsuit before the Supreme Court, which clearly establishes that this lawsuit has no legal basis.
What exactly is a voter? And why do they exist? Get the answers in the video below