Even the closest mourners will soon lose track of all the deadlines and postponements announced in the Brexit talks between the EU and the UK. Today, the parties return to the negotiating table for a new round of talks, after another deadline on the line expired yesterday.

EU Commission ordförande Ursula von der Leyen.
In three weeks, at the end of the year, the current transitional rules to leave the EU will expire. Unless Brussels and London have agreed to a trade deal until then, the so-called hard Brexit awaits.
“Despite the exhaustion after almost a year of negotiations, despite the deadlines having expired time and time again, we believe it is responsible to make a little extra effort at this point,” von der Leyen said on Sunday in a statement that it was also issued as a joint written statement with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
No new deadline has been set. On Monday morning, the EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier will present a snapshot of the envoys of the member states to Brussels.
According to Johnson, a hard Brexit is likely, although he says he does not want to close any doors.
– I’m afraid we are very far apart on certain important issues, but as long as there is life, there is hope, he said on Sunday.