Helga Öjerborn is very lucky. For two years now, she has been receiving continuous help from Gunilla Schulzki with both. When the GP visits, she sits reclining on his couch and next to her, Gunilla sits down and puts the finishing touches on the manicure.
– This is Helga’s third visit today, says Gunilla and laughs.
Earlier in the day, among other things, he picked up and served Helga lunch and before leaving, he will fold the clothes he washed yesterday and put them in the closets.
Over time, Gunilla and Helga have become good friends and you can tell that they have fun together and laugh a lot.
– But you probably think I’m a little crazy sometimes, says Gunilla, and Helga laughs and nods.
GP Christmas Calendar
Christmas 2020 will not be like other Christmases. But while journalists write a lot about isolation, spread of infection and closure, it is important that we do not forget that there is much to be happy about.
People who defend themselves and spread Christmas cheer, family and friendship ties that are forged stronger and a society that remains strong during this test.
To spread the heat during the Christmas season, GP will open a door with positive news every day from the first to the 24th of December.
Created to help people
Under normal circumstances, Gunilla has so much in Quigong for 14 retirees once a week, patches and repairs of torn clothing and much more. Since the coronavirus came in, he has adjusted and adapted his efforts. During the summer, there were outdoor cafes, walks, waffle service, and small-group Quigong, but now there’s a break with that too.
– I really like our retirees, they are so cute, says Gunilla and explains that it is made to be at home with people and help them.
– So I have also worked in home delivery. And since I’ve retired, I must have something to do too!
Gunilla Schultzki is one of the many volunteers in Partille and Emma Johnsson, coordinator of volunteer activities in Partille municipality, is grateful that so many have shown their interest in helping, especially when a large part of the “regular” volunteer force is at risk. .
READ MORE: Society closes, but Sjömanskyrkan opens up to the vulnerable
– Our problem is, instead, that we have fewer applicants for aid than volunteers. The hardest thing of all is reaching out to those who really need us, says Emma Johnsson, and she believes there are a lot of people in need.
Now she hopes more people will hear from her. This can be done in the municipality or in the Church of Sweden with which you cooperate during the pandemic.
Emma Johnsson affirms that it is a difficult period now during the second wave, but if you want to take something positive, all are pleasant encounters between people who have emerged.
– Several volunteers have said they got an extra grandmother or grandmother. It is nice!
READ MORE: Light up all of Stenungsund with your Christmas lights
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