The penalty continued: “Too bad”
Of: Andreas Käck, Johan Flinck
Sweden’s medal chances at the European Championships are gone.
Despite a good effort, it was a defeat against Denmark, after another penalty penalty.
– It’s extremely bitter, says Nathalie Hagman afterwards.
When Russia and France played a draw (28-28) on Friday night, it was the knife to the throat for Sweden. The result meant that Sweden were defeated to win their remaining three matches.
In the first, the home nation Denmark was waiting. So the Swedes made a great effort and kept up with the Danes until the end. But Denmark finally won the match 24-22. This after Sweden burned five of seven penalties in the match.
“I had chosen Bella”
In the final seconds, when Sweden had a chance to equalize 23-23, it was Nathalie Hagman who gained the confidence.
Wrong, says expert Johanna Ahlm.
– I had chosen Bella Gulldén, he says.
The captain of the Federation, Tomas Axnér, says it was his decision.
– I spoke with Nathalie and she wanted to take it. So I thought it felt like a good sign, he says.
– It’s not me who says no. I want to be the one to decide. And then sometimes you have a scapegoat, says Hagman, who burned the punishment that way.
– Very sad not to be able to go there. It was an important situation and of course you want to go there. It’s bitter now …
Only 50 percent
Sweden only scored 12 of 24 penalties in this European Championship. This corresponds to 50 percent. The normal dividend is 80 percent.
– It’s a shame. It is a fact. But we have tried everything, says Gulldén.
– It’s a psychological game. The more it burns, the more difficult it becomes. But also the merit of the goalkeepers. They were widely read, says Jamina Roberts.
Tomas Axnér says he has great confidence in his penalty shooters.
– We have many experienced penalty shooters who are the regular first shooters on their club teams. (Kristin) Thorleifsdottir and (Melissa) Petrén have had a good dividend in the Danish league against these particular goalkeepers. Gulldén and Hagman have been good too. It is not possible to just pick something “random” from the bank. It’s a responsibility to take penalties and there are tough penalties to beat, but it’s part of the job as a penalty taker, he says.
In the TV6 interview after the game, Jamina Roberts was crazy.
– This feels horrible, she says.
There are two games left for Sweden: Montenegro on Sunday and France on Tuesday. But now it’s just a matter of playing for location.
– We hate losing. That is what we have to live for. Even if we don’t have a chance in the semi-final, we have a chance to become a better team and bring some winning culture into this, says Roberts.
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