Karolinska cancels all planned pediatric operations when staff move to adult covid care staff.


During the week, it became clear that intensive care in the Stockholm region reached the capacity ceiling with an occupancy rate of 99 percent.

Health and Medical Director Björn Eriksson says he met with the region’s top private care providers on Friday to voluntarily release staff.

– We work in different ways to get more health personnel.

On friday he stood It is clear that the staff of activities for children at Karolinska University Hospital will be redeployed to strengthen staff in covid care for adults. A total of 120 employees from Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital will be relocated within the hospital. The change of care is taking place, for example, in Huddinge, where the hospital is opening a new ward for so-called intermediate care, a form of intermediate care, for covid patients.

– Several of our employees have already been transferred, and now it will be even more because this situation with the pandemic continues, says Svante Norgren, thematic director of the Astrid Lindgren children’s hospital in Karolinska.

Photo: Magnus Hallgren / DN

It is the doctors, but especially nurses and nursing assistants who move and will work with the care of adults at least during Christmas and New Years. As a result, all planned pediatric operations that can wait are canceled and the children’s hospital reduces the places of care. Acute childhood surgery is still being performed.

– We went down as in the summer staffing, you could say. Of course, we are supportive and want to contribute to adult healthcare, but it is exhausting on our staff, says Norgren.

Finansregionrådet Irene Svenonius describes the healthcare situation in Stockholm at the moment as “extremely tense” despite the fact that a situation worse than that foreseen by the Public Health Agency was taken into account.

– In the spring, we experienced that the population paid much more attention to the advice and appeals we made to keep our distance. But now we see that the spread of the infection is too great, driven by people moving too much in society. It is extremely important that everyone understands the seriousness. Those affected are health workers. They go to work every day for us, for the people of Stockholm, so we Stockholmians must now understand that we must stay home for them.

Did Stockholm breathe out too soon?

– Everyone has been at full capacity all the time, however now all employees are much more tired. It is very difficult for our managers to ask employees who have worked so hard since February to “do a little.” It is the fatigue in the organization that you cannot ignore and then it is extremely important that you put on a little more hands and feet that can come in and unload.

One of the reasons the spread of the infection accelerated again, Svenonius believes, may be due to the fact that autumn’s eased restrictions gave the impression that we could begin to return to a more normal life.

– People are tired of the crown. You want your life back and it is clear that everyone listens, reads the newspapers and hopes that now it is over. When they released the restrictions, they went from 50 to 300 people who could be in a room at the same time, and they released the restraining order for the elderly; these were very hopeful signs just before fall break. Perhaps it was an unfortunate stage because then the spread of the infection began to spread in Uppsala. That’s where it started this time.

At the same time, it is important to emphasize personal responsibility, says Svenonius.

– It is clear that it was unfortunate, but in the end no citizen can blame an authority. Each of us has a responsibility to take illness seriously. I understand that everyone is dead tired, but we have to endure and persevere until we get vaccinated.

Before the Christmas holidays, ask the Stockholmers to celebrate responsibly.

– I want people to celebrate with their immediate family. Don’t defy fate with too much Christmas celebration. If the spread of the infection allows it, and I don’t have to be in Stockholm, I intend to go down to the island where I come from and isolate myself. We have two houses there so my mother can live in just one. I will celebrate it with my immediate family.
