That more than a hundred Republican congressmen want to abolish democracy is remarkable, to say the least.
From being largely silent in the past, they now support a last-ditch bid for the Supreme Court to turn Donald Trump’s defeat in the presidential election into a victory and four new years in the White House.
Just when it was thought that politics in the United States could not go crazy, several Republican representatives show that they are willing to use any method to change the declared will of the American people because they disapprove of the result.
It’s a lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. It asserts that widespread electoral fraud has occurred in the states of Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan and that the electorate of those states should be prevented from voting. Instead, they should be able to be replaced by Trump-friendly voters.
Voting is usually a formality. But this time a process that will be followed closely and with enthusiasm.
There are several weird things about the Texas environment, but the most shocking thing is that 106 Republican congressmen signed up to support it. In addition, he has the support of Paxton’s Republican colleagues in 17 states.
Photo: AP
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.
Therefore, these individuals sign that the election results that the Länder in the four wave master states have already recalculated several times and then determined should be annulled.
In practice, they distance themselves from democracy. The will of the people is only acceptable if you elect Republican representatives.
These elected Republicans, in what is generally considered the most important democracy in the world, want to abolish democracy and replace it with some form of authoritarian government.
It is almost impossible to find words to describe this.
While the sole purpose of these Republicans is to show their support for Trump to make sure their own voters don’t turn their backs on them, it’s not an extenuating circumstance.
Wants to be forgiven
In the United States, the states themselves decide their options, how they should be handled. It is unique for one state to be involved in how other states handle their elections.
One piquant detail to the whole thing is that Paxton is under investigation for various crimes. Therefore, many see his initiative as a way to ensure that President Trump forgives him before he leaves the White House on January 20.
Trump is enthusiastically rooting for this attempt to turn the election result in his favor. Sources within the White House tell the US media that the possibility of HD giving him the electoral victory is the only thing Donald Trump talks about.
On Twitter, Trump himself writes about how much he expects from the Texas lawsuit.
“All we ask is the courage and wisdom of those who will make one of the most important decisions in the history of our country. God bless you.”
Trump hopes that the fact that he appointed three of the HD judges himself will make them follow suit. Not least, wait for Amy Coney Barett, the judge he was sworn in to just days before the election. He does not hide the fact that he now thinks it is “time for revenge.”
But HD judges are appointed for life precisely so they don’t give in to pressure. Therefore, it is doubtful that Trump has so much to gain despite the court now holding a 6-3 conservative majority.
In a hurry
The general opinion among legal experts in the United States seems to be that HD will not even address the matter precisely because electoral laws are the province of the states and therefore cannot become a dispute between states.
The lawsuit also does not contain any evidence of the electoral fraud that allegedly occurred. Everything that Texas asserts has already been emphatically rejected by the lower courts.
This is the last chance for Donald Trump to try to turn his electoral defeat into a victory by legal means. But he’s in a hurry. On Monday, electors elected in each state will gather in their respective state capitals to vote for the candidate who won in their state. After that, it has been established in practice that Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States.
A message from HD can arrive today. If they take the target against all odds, they will only create violent convulsions in Washington DC.
In the midst of all this, the United States has crossed a tragic new frontier in the crown pandemic. More than 3,000 dead in one day. More were killed in the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001.
But President Trump is doing nothing to ease the pandemic. His focus is only on one thing. Carry out the coup that he has been trying to carry out since election day.
From: Wolfgang Hansson