Both the government and the regions underestimate the difficulties
I know if we have yearned for it. And now we are about to receive our coveted doses of vaccine.
But also to a threatening chaos because only 4 of the 21 regions have been adequately prepared.
The unpleasant thing is that I felt concern even before Aftonbladet started the survey on how the 21 regions of the country, the former county councils, prepared for the vaccination of the entire Swedish population for 19 years. I felt like it could go wrong.
Now we have black and white. Not that it’s going to go wrong. But that the risk of chaos is great because 4 of the 21 regions do not have pre-established plans on how vaccinations will be carried out.
Mass vaccination can start already this year, but in any case after the New Year. Then burn in the knots, to express yourself gently.
The regions are washing away They do not know how much vaccine they are receiving at any given time or what brand it is. Therefore, they cannot complete the plans.
Sorry. There is no excuse to hold. Not for a nickel.
For nine months we have lived under strict restrictions. In the end, we understood that it would continue like this, without a vaccine.
But now the European Medicines Agency is expected to approve Pfizer and Biontech’s vaccine on December 29 and Modern’s on January 12. Approval must be determined by the European Commission before it is ready for use. According to information from the Swedish vaccine coordinator, the vaccine is already being distributed, perhaps even to Sweden.
The government has always underestimated the problem of vaccinating all Swedes. As recently as yesterday, I was at a briefing where the message was that we are used to this in Sweden. It will go so well. We vaccinate between two and three million people every year against seasonal flu, routines are established, everything will be fine.
No, he will not. For example, people will lie and cheat to get through the queue. Who wants to wait until this summer? No.
The police already warn of crimes due to vaccines. For example, trading fake vaccine certificates. Vaccine theft is also foreseen.
The national vaccination registry, a kind of registration system, has reportedly been phased out for two years. Therefore, it should be noted elsewhere which vaccine each individual receives so that they receive the same variety in the second inoculation, after four weeks. Where? Nobody seems to know.
The Swedish Public Health Agency is responsible for transporting the vaccine to the regions. But within the regions, they have to take care of themselves. How should it go when most people don’t even know where to get vaccinations?
The staff must be sufficient. Both for regular and routine medical care and vaccinations. It is not a simple equation. In Jämtland, they have already appealed to retired district nurses to move in, which seems like a good solution, even if it doesn’t cover all the need.
Initially, some people are said to have suffered allergic reactions in the UK, which has already started their vaccinations. But this means that there must be great vigilance and countermeasures to prevent more people from being affected at each vaccination site.
In short: vaccinating eight million Swedes aged 19 and over will not be like a dance.
On the contrary. It will be complicated, perhaps chaotic, in many places. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that 4 of the 21 regions are obviously waiting for the problems to resolve themselves.
They will not do that. It rarely causes problems.
PODD Vaccine problem: this is how it can work in regions
Aftonbladet Daily with Inger Nordin Olsson, regional immunization coordinator in the Örebro region.
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From: Lena Mellin