The entire population of Sweden must be informed about the rules of the crown in a mass mailing. In 22 million messages, everyone is urged to follow infection control advice before Christmas and New Years.

On Monday, all of Sweden can receive a text message from the Swedish Public Health Agency on their mobile phone. Stock Photography
New national regulations and tips to prevent the spread of the infection will go into effect on Monday. They replace the town halls.
So that no one in the country misses it, the government has tasked the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB and the Swedish Public Health Agency to send text messages to the entire population. This will take place in close connection with the entry into force of the national councils.
– The council of the authorities is not a general council. They must be followed, says Interior Minister Mikael Damberg (S).
The mass mailing is carried out with the help of the four largest mobile operators Telia, Tele2, Telenor and Tre. According to the information, there are about 22 million subscriptions across the country.
– They have been created on a voluntary basis with practical application. They are making an important contribution to reducing the spread of the infection in Sweden, says Digitization Minister Anders Ygeman (S).
In the text message, the authorities will also take the opportunity to urge the public to follow the advice against the spread of the infection before the weekends.
– Now, in this difficult situation before Christmas and New Years, we want to give the Swedish people another reminder, says Damberg.
Mass mailing is not part of the important communication system to the public, VMA, but it is something completely new.
VMA can be sent as SMS from July 1, 2017, to people who are in a certain area. It is a complement to radio and television communication. However, VMA is only used to warn when something serious has occurred that poses an immediate danger to life, health, property, or the environment.