SD’s final comment on opening up to a NATO option

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SD’s message is and remains clear: we will not join NATO without this first being anchored in the Swedish people through a referendum. Furthermore, such a referendum will not start without taking place in Finland at the same time, writes Roger Richthoff.
FINAL ANSWER. The government has repeatedly provided unclear and contradictory information on defense funding. Therefore, joint action by a responsible opposition is required and is extremely important.
One reason is to keep clumsy extremist parties like the MP, with their four percent voter support, away from being able to influence Swedish security themselves through their disproportionate position of power in government. It seems that we have stepped on the sore foot by acting in accordance with our mandates and, therefore, in some way we run over the government, which includes the deputy.
By opening ourselves to a NATO option together with a unified majority in the Swedish Riksdag, we ensure sustainable, secure and predictable funding for defense. In this way we contribute to the continuity that the MP intends to safeguard.
It is thanks to the constant pressure from the Swedish Democrats during our years in the Riksdag that Sweden has taken steps in the right direction regarding the Swedish defense.
That harmonization with Finland would lead to fewer opportunities for cooperation is a ridiculous argument that is made in the absence of anything else. There is no doubt that our cooperation with the neighboring country to the east can only benefit from our acting under the same premises and conditions.
Our message is and remains clear: we will not agree Then without this being anchored first in the Swedish people through a referendum. Furthermore, such a referendum will not start without taking place in Finland at the same time.
Therefore, if the need is urgent, we will only act in consensus and in agreement with Finland, which, like us, needs to anchor itself through a referendum. When both peoples have expressed their opinion and the compass points in the same direction, only then is it relevant to act on the option.
With our stance, we have not only secured sustainable financing, as Sweden now has to meet the required two percent of GDP, but we have also taken a decisive step in the direction of a defense alliance with Finland.
Roger Richthoff, Defense Policy Spokesperson (SD)
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