Died after surgery: doctors are criticized



From: TT


Several doctors at the Mälar Hospital in Eskilstuna have been criticized by Ivo since a man died after an operation.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT

Several doctors at the Mälar Hospital in Eskilstuna have been criticized by Ivo since a man died after an operation. Stock Photography.

A patient died after vascular surgery at the Mälar Hospital in Eskilstuna. The doctors in charge are now being criticized by the Swedish Health and Care Inspectorate (Ivo), which claims that the man’s care has failed in several areas and that there have been major deficiencies in patient safety, reports Eskilstuna-Kuriren.

Among other things, the patient did not receive enough information about the choice of the surgical method. Communication between the responsible physicians before, during and after the operation is also rated as poor.

After the operation, one of the doctors judged that the man did not need to be examined any more, which Ivo criticizes and comments that the doctor was too passive regarding the man’s symptoms.


