The proportion of voters who say they sympathize with the Social Democrats has fallen from 32.2 to 29.9 percent. The change is statistically significant according to Statistics Sweden. The May poll was conducted after S grew strongly in public opinion during the first wave of the pandemic.
Those born in the country and those with high school as the highest level of education are also groups where voters have abandoned the Social Democrats.
The survey that published today applies to which party you consider closest, regardless of whether it is at the municipal, regional or national level. Therefore, the question does not apply to how the vote would be cast if it were a parliamentary election. This poll was published by Statistics Sweden last week. In the poll released Tuesday, Statistics Sweden has also broken down voter support for different groups with respect to gender, age, education level, and more.
The moderates stand out for a statistically significant increase, from 20.7 to 22.2 percent. Among other things, support has increased in the group of women, highly educated and 50 years and over.
The Left Party has also won the sympathy of more people compared to the previous Statistics Sweden poll in May. The share supporting V is now 9.2 percent, a statistically significant increase from 8.4 this spring. New voters have been added among women, natives and those with upper secondary education.
For other parties, the changes are within the margin of error.
Statistics Sweden has also examined the views of Swedish voters on the EU. Sweden’s participation in the union is estimated to be 57.1 per cent. Opponents make up 17.4 percent of those surveyed. There have been no significant changes since May.
When asked how they view the euro, 64.3 percent said they would vote no if a referendum is held today if a referendum is held. The proportion that would vote for a change from the krone to the euro is 19.2%. There have been no assured changes here either.
The text is updated.
Read more:
This is how Swedish voters would vote if there were Riksdag elections, according to Statistics Sweden