FHM is criticized for ambiguity about the social bubble


Infection control doctors, business and other stakeholders have had the weekend to comment on the Public Health Agency’s proposal for new national rules to stop the spread of COVID-19.

As of December 14, the general councils and regulations will replace the municipalities that govern today. And they will also be the basis of the Christmas recommendations that are supposed to be presented on Tuesday.

In the proposal, FHM says that you should limit new close contacts and only hang out in a small circle.

But in the next paragraph there is still the opportunity to learn more. He says that if you meet people outside of your small circle, you should preferably do it outdoors.

– We think it should be clear: should you meet people outside your smaller circle or shouldn’t you? says Maria Rotzén Östlund, an infection control doctor in Stockholm.

– We want FHM to clarify this, so that it cannot be interpreted in different ways.

The advice of the Stockholm Region today is to socialize in their social bubble, that is, with the people you live with or with a couple of close friends if you live alone.

This is also how FHM defines “smallest circuit”.

Travel tips today

At Jämtland-Härjedalen, infection control physicians welcome the fact that FHM is fine-tuning its tone and changing the direction to “you will.”

There, and in other ski counties, residents are advised not to take unnecessary trips. But in the new national councils there are no travel restrictions.

Annika Ersson, an infection control doctor in Jämtland-Härjedalen, does not want stricter restrictions, even though the county can count on visitors from all over the country during Christmas and New Years.

– Traveling with your usual contact to the mountains does not pose a greater risk of infection in itself. But the prerequisite is not meeting new people on the trip, but just hanging out with your fellow travelers and making sure you keep your distance and act considerately in a public place, says Annika Ersson.

In Dalarna, infection control doctor Anders Lindblom says the main thing is that FHM gives early warning, so planning is possible.

– We must relate to what is applied and make the best of the situation, so that it becomes as safe as possible, he says.

– We have had the opportunity to prepare in a completely different way now than in the spring before Easter, because it was a new disease then.

Can try more

Among other things, health centers and hospitals in the region have greatly increased testing capacity ahead of the ski season, and infection control doctors are in talks with shops, ski rental companies and restaurants. There will be no après ski.

– We understand that people want to be able to celebrate Christmas and be able to travel, and that in these times there is a need to be able to move, but it is important that it be done safely, says Anders Lindblom.

Maria Davidsson / TT

The new guidelines and general national regulations apply to individuals, workplaces, public transport and other means of transport, commerce, sports, culture and leisure.

FHM puts more emphasis on personal responsibility than before, among other things it suggests:

You must take precautions to protect yourself and others from the spread of COVID-19. You need to think for yourself how you can avoid getting infected and how you can avoid infecting others. You must show consideration for your peers, which is especially important in relation to people in risk groups.

You should:

1. Limit new close contacts and just hang out in a small circle;

2. stay home in case of covid-19 symptoms,

Keep a safe distance from others and avoid crowded surroundings;

4. wash your hands frequently and thoroughly or use a hand sanitizer;

5. work from home as often as possible;

Travel safely from an infection control point of view;

7. carry out sports and leisure activities in such a way as to minimize the risk of infection; Y

8. Stay informed about the special recommendations of the Swedish Public Health Agency and the regional infection control doctor.

The rules go into effect on December 14.

Source Public Health Agency
