US Welcomes Hong Kong People | Aftonbladet



From: TT


Hong Kong people can expect to live and work in the United States.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Kin Cheung / AP / TT

Hong Kong people can expect to live and work in the United States. Stock Photography.

Hong Kong registered individuals should be welcomed to temporarily settle in the United States, according to the U.S. House of Representatives. Monday’s decision opens the door for Hong Kong residents to work for five years in the United States without risk of deportation.

Entry into force also requires a green light in the Senate, but the proposal has the support of all parties, unlike a previous attempt to give Venezuelans the same status. That ended President Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

The openness for Hong Kongers should be seen in light of China’s demonstrations of power in Hong Kong, which is a highly autonomous special administrative region of China with a market economy based on international trade, which has made the place one of the main financial centers of the world.

“The best way to win against a dictatorship is to highlight the strength of our system against the weakness of yours,” said Tom Malinowski, a Democrat in the House of Representatives, condemning “the oppressive, closed and terrible system that the Communist Party has imposed. to the Chinese people, also in Hong Kong. “


