In August, two criminally accused men, ages 18 and 21, subjected teens to a night of prolonged violence when they refused to buy drugs, according to the indictment.
Hanif Bali is already involved in the case and on Friday morning he started a collection of swish for the boys.
“Tens of thousands of people have donated”
Over the weekend, contributions have come in and the collection closed on Monday, when it reached two million crowns.
– Tens of thousands of people have donated, so there have been many small streams. I had intended to have the collection by Christmas, but had to close it because it started to be too much money, Hanif Bali says.
He contacted the boys.
– They were very shocked and really speechless. They were happy and very supportive.
He managed to escape the tormenting spirits
The trial took place at the end of November and, according to the indictment, the children received stab wounds, death threats and were forced naked into a well. One of the children was also raped.
Bloody and dirty, stripped of mobile phones and cards, they managed in an unattended moment to escape and alert a passerby, according to the indictment.
They have yet to be announced against the two defendants.
What do you think is the reason why people have contributed so much?
– Because it was a really heinous crime. Two teenagers walking home on a normal early summer afternoon in a generally safe area, and that this happens, I think it scares a lot of people. And create great sympathy.
Here’s how damage claims are calculated
Here’s what the Crime Victims Authority says about compensation. There are more examples on the authority’s site.
Certain types of crimes give the right to compensation for the violation of personal integrity that the crime entails. The size depends on how the crime occurred. The most serious crimes often result in higher compensation.
Less serious abuse and theft, 5,000 – 10,000 SEK
Example: A pair, three blows to the face and body or a pair, three not very strong kicks to the body when someone is standing. Even in the event of a threat of theft without physical violence.
Slightly more serious nature theft and abuse, 10,000 – 15,000 SEK
Example: strong violence to the face or strong kicks. Violence against you when you lie down. Violence with dangerous shelters can justify even greater lawsuits. Robbery with a dangerous weapon.
Illegal threats, 5,000 – 15,000 kr
Oral or written threat, 5,000 – 7,000 SEK
Life threatening weapon, 10,000 – 15,000 SEK
Burning and pain
Physical or mental problems during the acute period of the disease. Compensation is SEK 2,600 per month (in 2020) if you are fully on sick leave. If you are not on sick leave but have medically proven problems, you may still be entitled to compensation.
Source: Crime Victims Authority
I contacted the guys after the incident.
Hanif Bali’s engagement with the boys began shortly after the event.
– One of these guys was a supporter of mine and I contacted him after they were exposed. So I wanted to show support and help them, of course, that was the least I could do. So I started collecting. The money goes full to them because Göran Persson abolished the gift tax.
Hanif Bali believes that the damages paid by the Swedish courts are often very low and believes that the response in the collection can also be interpreted as a protest against the current levels of compensation.