The Tingstad Tunnel carries a heavy load on Gothenburg’s traffic system. The tunnel was originally sized for 80,000 vehicles per day. Today, that number is well above that: 125,000 vehicles pass through the tunnel every day. With the Marieholm Tunnel in use, the faithful old servant will be relieved, but only up to a level just below the original maximum capacity. Furthermore, the Tingstad Tunnel is 52 years old.
Bertil Hallman is a traffic analyst at the Swedish Transport Administration and is now preparing for the work that awaits the Tingstad tunnel.
READ MORE: Only a few days left until the Marieholm Tunnel opens to traffic
– The joy with the Marieholm tunnel will unfortunately not last long. In 2022, the plan is to start work on the Tingstad tunnel, but some preparatory work will take place next year, it says.
There is currently only one lane on Leråkersmotet towards the E6 heading north. A new lane will be built there next year. It will be needed when work on the Tingstad tunnel is completed. Then those traveling through Lundbyleden will not be able to drive to the Tingstad tunnel, but will instead be redirected to the Marieholm tunnel. This requires the additional capacity that a new lane provides.
Starting Friday, April 22, 2022, a tunnel pipeline in the Tingstad Tunnel will be closed. Beginning the following Monday morning, traffic in both directions will go through a tunnel. That work would not have been possible if the Marieholm tunnel had not been in place.
– No, because we need the Marieholm tunnel. We have been waiting for this for many years, says Bertil Hallman.
READ MORE: Here are Gothenburg’s biggest traffic changes in 2021
Extends the life of the Tingstad tunnel
Just when Älvsborgsbron is undergoing major maintenance work, the Tingstad tunnel has also reached a point in life where significant measures are required to keep the tunnel in good condition in the future. The next work aims to extend the life of the tunnel.
– In the great stop that is coming, we will work for more than a year and a half in the tunnel. This involves both the clean maintenance of the concrete pieces and the review of safety systems and environmental systems. Today there are environmental requirements, for example related to rainwater, that the tunnel does not meet. We’ll also improve things like lighting and ventilation, says Bertil Hallman.
READ MORE: The Marieholm tunnel now sees the light on both sides of the river
Gothenburg will have a good traffic situation
But once that work is done, Bertil Hallman predicts that the city is pretty well off when it comes to car traffic crossing the river.
– When it’s finished, I think you can expect us to have a good flow. But it goes in different steps, he says.
But despite the completion of the Marieholm tunnel, forecasts and analysis from the Swedish Transport Administration indicate that the work will involve significant traffic disruptions once work begins.
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