Kommunal and IF Metall join latest deal



From: Elle kari karlsson, TT


The LO Kommunal and IF Metall unions oppose other LO unions and jump into the latest agreement that the Confederation of Swedish Companies and PTK have previously signed.

LO’s unions, Kommunal and IF Metall, are jumping on the deal train.

– To our delight on this trip, IF Metall and Kommunal have teamed up, says Martin Wästfelt, chairman of PTK’s chief negotiating group at a press conference.

The two LO unions have decided to adhere to the party agreement between the white-collar cartel PTK and the Confederation of Swedish Companies, an agreement that was concluded just over a month ago.

So LO chose to say no, but in the meantime there have been signs from IF Metall above all that they still wanted to stick to the deal, which now the government has said it is willing to make a law instead of the political inquiry to which many have given the go-ahead. .

This was when Martin Wästfeldt, head of negotiations at PTK, and Mattias Dahl, vice-president of the Confederation of Swedish Companies, announced that they had agreed.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT

This was when Martin Wästfeldt, head of negotiations at PTK, and Mattias Dahl, vice-president of the Confederation of Swedish Companies, announced that they had agreed. Stock Photography.

Objectives of the private sector

The deal focuses on the private labor market and means that you get a different level of education in the workforce and contribute to the transition of the Swedish labor market, according to Mattias Dahl, deputy director general of the Confederation of Swedish Companies.

– It is important that you can maintain adequate competition, he says about the proposed change of priority rules.

– The agreement also means that an employer will have to use priority rules when reducing the employment rate, he adds.

The agreement also confirms that full-time is the norm in the Swedish job market, according to Dahl.

Under the agreement, unions still have the option of overriding a termination through an insurance solution, according to Martin Wästfelt.

It also points out that the general period of fixed duration changes its name to a specific period of fixed duration and that this type of employment becomes permanent after twelve months.

Get over these things

– When we didn’t really get there, we thought we had to try again and put these things in place, says Veli-Pekka Säikkälä, IF Metall’s secretary of agreements, on why IF Metall together with Kommunal went ahead despite the fact that LO decided not to continue negotiating the deal.

He says that the agreement is important to face the increase in insecurity in the workplace, temporary employment, the hiring of personnel and technological advances.

– For us it has been important to overcome these things.

He adds that the educational part of the agreement is important, where he should be able to continue his education for up to three semesters with 80 percent of salary during working life.

Natural to negotiate

– For us, it is natural to always sit at the negotiating table if it is possible to improve the conditions of the members, says Johan Engelsog, Kommunal’s contract secretary.

According to IF Metall’s Engelsog and Veli-Pekka Säikkälä, support from the union boards of directors has been unanimous.

The Board of the Confederation of Swedish Companies has also agreed to the deal, according to Mattias Dahl, deputy director general of the Confederation of Swedish Companies.

Also included in the deal is a proposal for a more in-depth investigation of the unemployment insurance fund, which has been important to IF Metall, according to Säikkälä.

– There is no interest in dividing LO. We think it’s good to have a strong LO, says PTK’s Martin Wästfelt.

More LO unions can join the deal at any time.

– The sooner the better, says Mattias Dahl, Deputy Executive Director of the Swedish Business Confederation.

Now the negotiations are over

– Now the negotiations are definitely over, says Mattias Dahl, deputy director general of the Confederation of Swedish Companies, about the agreement reached.

The agreement between the four parties, with adjustments to the conditions for the so-called planning and fixed-term special employment, at the request of IF Metall and Kommunal, is now sent as it appears to the Government Offices.

During the preparation of the numbers there, with a view to legislation, Kommunal and IF Metall, as well as PTK and the Confederation of Swedish Companies, will participate and influence the design, as they are the so-called contract bearers.


  • General Fixed Time is renamed to Special Fixed Time. Fixed-term employment will become permanent employment after 12 months instead of the current 24 months.

  • Special preferential duties will now apply after 9 months. You can also count your employment time between a short-term, fixed-term job.

  • The agreement also means that employers who have reduced the employment rate of employees in the future must do so in turn. Those who receive a lower employment rate receive a transition period of one, two or three months.

  • Individuals in the staffing industry who are hired for the same client for 24 months will receive a job offer from the client’s company.

  • The agreement confirms that full-time is the norm in the Swedish labor market.



