Anders Tegnell: “We will continue to see an increase in mortality rates”



From: Adam westin


Sweden now has more than 7,000 deaths during the pandemic.

And the trend is not looking good.

– The death toll continues to rise, significantly more than we expected a few days ago, says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

In recent weeks, Sweden has seen a steady increase in the number of deaths from covid-19, Anders Tegnell announced at Thursday’s press conference.

Today 35 new deaths were registered. There were 174 new deaths on Tuesday.

– We know from other European countries that the death toll is one, a few weeks less than the others. So sadly, we will probably continue to see an increase in mortality rates, says Anders Tegnell, a state epidemiologist at the Swedish Public Health Agency.

However, the curve on infected has started to flatten, Tegnell said.

– So the death toll should probably follow the same pattern as well, but we’ll see. The death toll lives a little out of its own life and depends a lot on things other than the spread of infection in society.

Anders Tegnell, Swedish state epidemiologist.


Anders Tegnell, Swedish state epidemiologist.

Tegnell would rather compare himself to Austria than Norway

Aftonbladet today interviewed Norway’s director of infection control, Frode Forland, who says it is a “sad situation that Sweden has come to.”

Norway has a total of 351 deaths throughout the pandemic.

But the Swedish state epidemiologist favors the comparison with the neighboring country.

– As we have commented many times, there are quite a few countries in Europe to compare with. If you compare, for example, Austria, which has had very strict measures, much stricter than Norway, its second wave looks much worse than the Swedish second wave, Anders Tegnell told Aftonbladet after today’s press conference.

In the last two weeks, Austria has registered 687 infected per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to 619 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in Sweden. This according to the Aftonbladet compilation which is based on figures from Johns Hopkins University and the Public Health Agency.

Seen throughout the pandemic, Sweden has twice as many deaths as Austria – 7,007, compared to Austria’s 3,446.

Photograph: Staffan Löwstedt / SvD / TT

Medical staff treat a patient at Södertälje Hospital.

Believed in local shoots – failed

The second wave Sweden is in seems different than Anders Tegnell previously thought.

At the press conference on September 1, he said that “during the fall, we will probably not have the wide dissemination of society that we had before,” DN quoted.

On the same day, the Swedish Public Health Agency wrote that controlling local outbreaks was essential to prevent an increasing spread of the infection.

Anders Tegnell admits that the wide spread of society that we see differs from the very local outbreaks discussed earlier.

– If true. What was seen in many countries and also Sweden at the beginning, which would be dominated by outbreaks here and there, we have not seen that development in the same way at all. We see many sprouts, but they are much smaller and much larger than we think they would be.

About the town halls: “Very good”

However, he does not believe that the locally constrained measure was a miscalculation.

– The local general councils had a very positive effect on the effective mobilization of the entire community in the regions. We get the county administrative boards, regional managers, and the like in a way that we haven’t seen before. So they had a very positive effect, says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.



