Distance education is reintroduced in upper secondary schools | SVT News


The announcement will be made at a press conference with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S), Education Minister Anna Ekström (S) and the Director General of the Swedish Public Health Agency, Johan Carlson, on Thursday.

– You will need to change your teaching. As the situation is now, it is necessary, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said at Thursday’s press conference.

He also appealed to the country’s high school students that the decision does not mean that it is an extended Christmas holiday and free to hang out with friends.

– Ultimately, it’s about life and death, about human health, says Löfven.

To reduce the spread

Since 23 November, schools have increased opportunities to carry out distance learning, when the government and Education Minister Anna Ekström (S) gave the green light to this to avoid congestion in schools and reduce the spread of infection in society. Therefore, now all upper secondary schools will introduce distance education.

However, this does not apply to special upper secondary schools and exceptions are also recommended for practical elements that cannot be carried out remotely, as well as for introductory language programs in upper secondary school.

– Together with the restrictions and general advice that apply, this should be able to reduce the spread of the infection so that you can return to local education when the semester starts again, says Education Minister Anna Ekström (S).

She emphasizes that it is especially important that students in the third year of upper secondary get a good education in order to obtain a good final grade in upper secondary school.

– You have shown that you can take responsibility. It is needed now more than ever. This is not free time, it is teaching that is applied but at a distance, says Ekström.

Union: Welcome message

Åsa Fahlén, president of the National Union of Teachers, is optimistic about today’s government decision.

– It is a welcome message when we see that the spread of the infection is increasing. We hope we get through this over the Christmas and New Years weekend and can return to regular teaching during the spring term. Along with the spread of the infection, our members’ anxiety about being in a classroom with many students also increases, Fahlén tells SVT.

Education Minister Anna Ekström (S) will come tonight to Corona Special and answer your questions. Email to [email protected] The program airs at 8:00 p.m. on SVT2 and here on SVT news online.
