From: Olof Svensson
A controlling father who made both mother and son protect themselves from the rest of society.
This is how a woman from the neighborhood of the family describes the origin of the story of the imprisoned man.
– This started already in the 70s. And there are more victims than the son in this, he says.
The story of the mother who is suspected of keeping her son in prison for nearly three decades has become world news. The 70-year-old woman was released Wednesday afternoon, but is still suspected of having committed a crime. However, suspicions have waned.
The man is in the hospital and, according to his sister, should feel good under the circumstances.
On Wednesday, Aftonbladet was in contact with a woman who has followed the family since the 1970s. As a teenager, she was the babysitter for the man’s sisters and contact with the family continued for many years. According to her, the mother and son began to isolate themselves from the rest of society on the advice of the father already when the son was born. Her opinion is that the father wanted to protect the son from the world, according to her he should have made sure to have the slightest contact with the authorities and other agencies.
– He could stand on the balcony with an air rifle and make sure no one could enter the apartment. Everyone knew him here in the area. If I could have kept him home and not go to school, I would have, she says.
On Wednesday, Aftonbladet was in contact with a woman who has followed the family since the 1970s.
“He broke them both”
The father’s motive must have been that the mother and father lost a child shortly before the child was born, something that must have created a distrust of society in the father.
According to the woman, the father must also have burned all the family’s furniture and decorated the apartment with mattresses.
– He dragged the furniture into the forest behind and set it on fire. It became a giant sandwich here in the area and the newspaper even wrote about it. I remember it as if they had such beautiful furniture, a bit exclusive, he says.
The father died in the early 1990s and then the mother must have continued to isolate herself and the child, according to the woman. According to her, how she managed to keep the school from acting is a mystery.
Photo: Jerker Ivarsson
The mother is released.
What role did the mother play in the isolation in your opinion?
– She was also a victim. He did what his father told him. He broke both. Then the isolation from society continued, he says.
Has not been arrested
Why didn’t you stop when your father died?
– I don’t think she just made it.
The woman thinks that the image that the man should have been in prison is incorrect.
– He’s been out. This summer I saw him play soccer on the soccer field in the afternoons. We greet each other, but nothing more.
She continues:
– I could go in and out of the apartment. But I am convinced that he was very dependent on his mother.
Image of the imprisoned boy in seventh grade.
Alarmed and social psychiatry
The image of the woman that the man has left agrees with the information of the neighbors who have seen him in the supermarket. According to official documents, the man has lived on a disability pension since 2001. The woman recalls that the mother and son visited her in 2006. Later, the mother wanted him to help her certify to the authorities that the son still needed a disease.
– So I called the psychiatry here in the municipality and told them that I was worried about the family. They replied that because they are of legal age they cannot do much. But I remember it as if they said they would follow. I also called the social worker and told him I was concerned.
Police on site at the apartment where the man was kept in isolation.
Aftonbladet interviewed the man’s sister on Tuesday. He then confirmed parts of the woman’s information that the father had the family under control.
– When she died, everyone in the family believed that the mother would finally free herself from everything. But it is not so strange that he had mental but from all the previous years. She told everyone that we just wanted to be at peace and have no contacts. That we didn’t have the strength for Christmas Eve, birthdays and other things, that we wanted to keep ourselves to ourselves, says the sister.