Sahlgrenska’s chief physician began working with covid symptoms


It was in October that the chief physician stayed at his workplace in Sahlgrenska for two days. According to the report submitted to the Swedish Health and Care Inspectorate, Ivo, several people in the hospital asked the doctor to go home because he was showing clear symptoms of covid-19.

The chief physician, who has More than ten years of work behind his back in the unit in question, he must have affirmed that antibodies were carried out during the two days of visits to the patient and he participated in meetings in the ward.

Since then, 13 people, most of whom were medical colleagues, have fallen ill with Covid-19.

“Of course, it is impossible to determine who was infected in a pandemic with total spread to society. 13 people fell ill in the unit, (including one patient and two relatives), of which only one indicates another potential source of contagion in the environment ”He says in the report to Ivo.

The infected patient is treated separately as a medical injury.

According to the report, the chief physician should have twice asked to be tested for covid-19, something that can only be ordered by the physician’s manager. The author sees this as an indication that the person suspects that they have been infected.

The chief physician declares they have not shown any understanding that he has displayed reckless behavior. Therefore, the hospital management believes that trust in the doctor is exhausted.

“The employer’s trust in the employee is seriously damaged, so we decided to resign,” says the report.

Sahlgrenska confirms in a written comment to DN that the hospital reported the case to Ivo and announces that they have also written a deviation report.

“As this is an ongoing individual and staff matter, we are currently unable to comment further,” the hospital writes.
