Documents leaked to CNN show that China did not report correct figures during the beginning of the pandemic


Documents that were leaked to CNN, and which have been verified by the television channel for a long time, show that the Chinese authorities systematically chose to publish incorrect figures on the number of infected and dead during the first period of the pandemic.

Only later this will change.

An example is on February 17, when 196 people died. Instead, authorities chose to publish the death toll as 93.

Another example is February 10, when 5,918 new cases were reported in Hubei province. However, externally, the authorities confirmed only 2,478 cases.

At the same time, CNN notes that Chinese authorities were forced to work with data that was three weeks old, making it difficult to fight the spread of the virus.

The documents also show that something dramatic happened in Hubei province in early December 2019 when the number of influenza cases increased twenty times compared to a normal year of influenza. No one knows how many of these were covid-19.

According to CNN, not only Wuhan became the center of these flu cases, but also two other cities in Hubei province, Yichang and Xianning.

Today, China reports only a few new cases every day. Other countries report even more.

WHO chef in Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned of what he calls the “very, very worrying trend” in Brazil, where the curves on the number of infected and dead have been increasing since early November.

The head of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The head of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Photo: Salvatore Di Nolfi / AP

Although the last few days have shown relatively low death rates in Brazil, there are signs that the curve will soon continue to rise again. Traffic data released a few days ago shows that Brazilians have started to travel and go back to the pub, while respect for maintaining physical distance and wearing a mouth guard is decreasing, writes The Brazilian Report.

Over the past week, the number of deaths has fluctuated around 500 per day. More than 8,300 people are currently being cared for in intensive care.

Also in the United States the situation remains difficult. The country now has one million new infections and more than 10,000 new deaths each week. And with more than a million Americans traveling over Thanksgiving weekend, the risk is high that the number of infected and, by extension, dead will begin to be felt in less than a week.

Nearly 25,000 patients are cared for in intensive care in the United States and, during the pandemic, medical care around the world has undergone rigorous testing. A total of 90,000 covid patients are seen in hospitals every day in the United States.

In California, the governor warned Monday that the number of hospital admissions could triple by Christmas.

World Health Organization WHO crisis preparedness chief Michael Ryan said on Monday that many rich countries have managed their health care as if it were a low-cost flight and now have to pay for it.

Ryan also said that if the world does not learn from what has happened now, there is a great risk that we will experience a similar pandemic with similar effects during our lifetime.

Several countries in Europe continue It will also be seriously affected, one of them Bulgaria, where doctors and nurses for many years looked for work abroad. Now those who remain are being pressured a lot:

– Look at the nurse here. He tested positive, had a high fever, and is now back. We are all completely exhausted, Aleksandar Stanoevski tells the Reuters news agency.

To date, 52,000 people have been confirmed infected with the coronavirus in the country, of which 5,800 are health professionals.
