RUKA. The Swedish women’s team has had a crisis meeting.
Before Ruka’s return trip, the skiers and leaders cleared the air after today’s chaos.
– The atmosphere was good, says the director of the selection, Anders Byström.
The start of today’s hunt turned chaotic for the Swedish side. Four Swedes had a chance at two places on the podium, but it was an accident in which Linn Svahn and Maja Dahlqvist fell.
After the race, emotions erupted wildly. Linn Svahn was angry and left the ski stadium immediately, Maja Dahlqvist was disappointed at the same time Frida Karlsson was abandoned.
Linn Svahn later pointed to Ebba Andersson as the culprit in the accident, but Ebba Andersson disagreed.
– I think our coach will teach us to stand (on skis), because there are some in the team who cannot, Linn Svahn told NRK.
When Ebba Andersson reached Linn Svahn in the mixed zone, Svahn didn’t want to speak to his teammate.
Back at the hotel, the skiers were able to calm down and when the leaders returned from the men’s race, they brought the female skiers together for a crisis meeting.
“One of our slogans”
Anders Byström, director of the national team, tells Sportbladet about the meeting on the way to the airport:
– We have handled it and we have had a meeting with the girls. We have talked about what happened. It was great to talk about the race itself and how they handled the media. It will be a great writing, he says.
How would you describe the atmosphere of the meeting?
– It was good. This year we have talked about how we should have a high ceiling and talk about things. These are things that will happen again. And that has happened before. It was no big deal. Now it feels good.
This summer, the national team worked with the group’s values, so it was important for management to highlight today’s events.
– We have to “support each other” as one of our keywords. So it’s about doing it afterward, even when you’re disappointed by things that have happened during the race.
Do you think that afterwards they relied on the mixed zone?
– I wasn’t there, so I don’t know. But it is clear that he became unlucky immediately afterwards. They have true winner heads, which is why we are the best women’s national team in the world, I would say, says Byström.
He pointed out that the best thing would have been for the pilots to calm down and think before arriving at the interview positions, but that doesn’t work.
“He must be allowed to be himself”
Linn Svahn left and had to breathe before going back to the mixed zone, how do you see that when he had the opportunity to do so, he clearly points to Ebba as guilty and what he says to NRK
– Yes, NRK is good at getting things out … But I think Linn didn’t get anyone to have time to talk to her right after because we were at the stadium. That could have been for the best. Linn is young and is also learning to handle things like this. She is a personality and must be allowed to be herself within reasonable limits. But it is clear that it is unfortunate to talk too much before talking about it.
Do the riders agree?
– Yes, they were immediately after. But even more so now …
Next weekend, there is no World Cup as Lillehammer has canceled. The next competition that awaits is in Davos during the Lucia weekend. The management of the Swedish national team will make a decision this week whether they will go to Switzerland.