Fucking changes its name to Fugging


From: Benjamin Ekroth


The villagers got tired of the fun of the outside world.

That is why Fucking is switching to Fugging.

– I can confirm that the town changes its name. I really don’t want to say more, says Mayor Andrea Holzner.

For a long time, everything was peace and joy in the small Austrian town of Fucking. The name of the place dates back to the year 1070. As early as the 5th century, a noble family named Focko founded the town.

Then came the Internet. That was the end of the fun. Or the beginning, depending on how you see it.

The English-speaking world can’t stop making fun of Fucking.

British presenter Graham Norton, with her own talk show, and comedian Roseanne Barr made a fuss in 2009 at a tourist office in Austria. They wanted to book a fucking hotel, a clip that went viral.

Skylt i Fucking.

Photo: Wikipedia

Skylt fucked me.

Tourists in transit love to take photos on signs with the name of the place and post them on social media. The signs have also been stolen often.

In the end, the villagers, called bastards, did not stand out. Effective January 1, the city will change its name to Fugging, a spelling that will be closer to how the name Fucking is pronounced.

Anyone who still wants to travel to obscenely named places in the area can take comfort in the fact that both Oberfucking and Unterfucking remain. Anyone crossing the border into Germany will find Petting in Bavaria just 30 km away. In Bavaria you will also find Kissing and Bad Kissingen, depending on what you are looking for on your trip.

