Norwegian Skin Crusher at VC Premiere | SVT Sport


It is not uncommon for Norwegian skiers to rise to the podium in World Cup competitions, but whoever takes home the premiere in Finnish Kontiolahti was until now unknown in the main competition contexts. It was Sturla Holm Lägreid, 23, who finished 19.6 seconds for the more inclined compatriot Johannes Thingnes Bö.

– It was something I had never dreamed of. It was something extreme and shocking to hear that she was leading, winner Sturla Holm Lägreid tells YLE.

For the Swedish part, there were five guys on the track: Jesper Nelin, Sebastian Samuelsson, Martin Ponsilouma, Peppe Femling and vc rookie Malte Stefanson.

Norwegian debutant takes home victory

Both Samuelsson and Ponsilouma showed good handling and were quick at the start. But the premiere nerves would show up on the opening shot for both Samuelsson and Nelin, who blocked one shot each, and Ponsilouma, who started with two booms.

– I am very pleased. A bit of premiere nerves in early shooters, but I haven’t ridden that well in a long time, if ever, Sebastian Samuelsson tells YLE.

And the initial rhythm was maintained for Samuelsson, who after another boom in the first position, followed with two important zeros. Samuelsson finished in sixth place 1:32 behind Laegreid.

CLIP: Sebastian Samuelsson sixth in the premiere

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Sebastian Samuelsson sixth at the world premiere Photo: Bildbyrån