Stolen car overturned in police chase: the robbery victim was at the back door


Early on Friday morning, the police received an alarm about the theft of a car near the Glädjen traffic junction in Upplands Väsby.

– We received information shortly before 4. A moment later, the police saw the car and started a later one. As a result, the seized car went off the road, says Anna Westberg at the Stockholm Police regional command center.

According to information from Expressen, the robbery was carried out under threat of a weapon. In connection with the incident, the perpetrators are said to have forced two of the victims to lie down in the trunk of the car.

Three to the hospital

When the stolen car rolled off the road shortly after, the victims were still in the car, according to the information.

– Three people who were in the car were taken to the hospital. I don’t know the extent of the injuries yet, but everyone was awake and talking before leaving, says Anna Westberg.

He does not want to comment further on what role the police assess that injured people played in connection with the robbery.

– There are people deprived of liberty, but for the sake of the investigation, we do not want to go into how many people have been detained, he says.
