The Green Party spokesperson candidate can speak on behalf of Skåne


OPINION. The Kvällposten management was right. Back in August, Scanian policy Märta Stenevi was singled out as the likely winner among the eight who raised their hands to succeed Isabella Lövin.

Now the nominating committee of the Green Party proposes that it will be Märta Stenevi who, together with Per Bolund, tries to save the Green Party in the Riksdag in less than two years.

Only in the congress on January 31 will the Green Party make its decision. Given that it is the Green Party, anything can happen, but it is difficult to see Stenevi in ​​particular being challenged. Strategically and organically, he has campaigned hard for leadership and has had no real rival. Following the candidacy, there are several clues as to how the Green Party may change with Stenevi at the helm.

The other day he wrote something as unusual in Kvällposten Debatt as an article about a green crime and security policy. While many of his other candidates focused on migration and climate issues, Stenevi has instead tackled some of the issues that seriously engage the electorate, issues that the Green Party has almost turned into a parade branch to avoid:

“It is time for the conservative parties to stop competing for who is the dirtiest Harry and, for the good of all, to take responsibility for crushing the gangs, not the rule of law. Green criminal policy is perhaps less macho , but all the more effective, “Stenevi wrote in Kvällposten and focused on children and young people (11/25). Children and youth in particular are a recurring political arena for Stenevi.

Thus, shortly after the formal elections in late January, a government shakeup ensues as Isabella Lövin leaves high-level politics and paves the way for Stenevi. This as long as the Green Party continues in government despite its dismal opinion figures and its obvious need to follow tough opposition policies to better shape itself.

From a southern Swedish perspective, an environmental party led by Stenevi means that Scanian’s perspective on government is strengthened. Like Malmö, Stenevi sees the obvious need for proximity and border freedom not only towards Denmark, but towards the mainland. Copenhagen, Hamburg and Berlin are neighboring cities, not essentially cut off from everyday Swedish life. A red-green government that includes Märta Stenevi is moving ever closer to the south.

At the same time, it creates strong expectations in southern Sweden if Märta Stenevi were to enter the government. As she has been one of the strongest criticisms in recent years against the government’s anti-Öresund policy, it is up to her to counter what she has called a “devastating” policy. Among other things at Sydsvenskan, Märta Stenevi has said:

“We have a high level of unemployment in the region. The government has not understood that we need to accelerate the economy to accelerate growth ”(11 / 2-16).

It is an understanding that should emerge if Märta Stenevi becomes a new spokesperson and enters the government. The Öresund region needs Märta Stenevi in ​​government.

Csaba Bene Perlenberg is a freelance columnist on the Kvällposten editorial page.

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