Ann-Marie Begler resigns – goes to Academedia


Two and a half years ago Ann-Marie Begler was fired as CEO of the Swedish Social Security Agency.

Despite the firing, in recent years she has continued her role as CEO, but without an authority to draw on, and thus ended up in what is sometimes called the “elephant graveyard,” writes SvD.

Earlier this fall, he applied for a position on the board of directors of the independent school group Academedia as a secondary job, but the government rejected it, believing it could damage the reputation of government offices.

And now Begler tells SvD that she will resign from government positions if she is elected to the Academedia board.

Begler: “Knowledge to give us”

Begler was the first CEO of the Swedish School Inspectorate for seven years and when it was discovered that the independent school group wanted to elect her to the board, she received criticism.

– Some have described him as if he had switched sides. For me, the state and business are not opposites in society. Despite the fact that I have always worked in the state and the municipality throughout my professional life, I have always thought that it is positive that people move between the state and business, because we have the knowledge to give each other, he says Ann-Marie Begler to the newspaper.


Ann-Marie Begler was fired in a secret evening meeting with Social Affairs Minister Annika Strandhäll and was forced to remain silent on the decision.

READ MORE: FK-höjdaren on hard times at the elephant graveyard
READ MORE: Annika Strandhäll: Begler was warned multiple times