From: TT
Photo: Henrik Holmberg / TT
A two-year-old boy suffered serious injuries after a lack of care. Stock Photography.
A two-year-old boy suffered serious leg injuries after the hospital detected no signs of oxygen deficiency following an injury.
Now the Dalarna Region lex Maria has reported the incident, writes Dalademokraten.
The boy arrived at the hospital after a fall and X-rays showed that he had suffered a fractured femur. The two-year-old boy was placed in a stretch to fix the fracture, something that was not done correctly, so the next day the boy was forced to repeat the procedure.
When the leg was in a cast, the boy’s foot lost its pulse completely and he was sent to surgery where it was confirmed that parts of the muscles were so damaged that they had to be removed.
In the lex Maria a Ivo (Health and Care Inspection) report, the Dalarna Region states that the reasons for the incident are, among other things, inadequate notification of the child’s lack of oxygen to the foot and that there were no clear instructions for the hip stretch.