The Blekinge region is investigating eight cases of covid – may have been crowned by infected mink


All Sölvesborg people who have been infected with covid-19 are asked if they have had contact with minks. This has resulted in eight people currently being investigated for a possible mutated mink virus that went to humans, he writes. Express.

But while tracking the infection, there are still no signs that any of the people tested have been affected by a mutated version of the virus, similar to the cases discovered in people in Denmark.

– According to my reliable sources, no mutated viruses have been found in Sweden, not yet, says Bengt Wittesjö, infection control doctor in the Blekinge region, to SVT Nyheter Blekinge.

Deficiencies in sending information

At the same time, Expressen reports, referring to documents that the Animal Rights Alliance organization is said to have read, about shortcomings in the investigative work of the situation on the country’s mink farms.

When the Swedish Board of Agriculture sent information on restrictions to 51 farms, almost half of the beneficiaries must have been those who are no longer active in the mining industry.

At the same time, according to the Expressen report on the Animal Rights Alliance information, the authority has not sent information to half of the mink farmers that are currently active.
