Scotland ranks first in the world with free menstrual protection


On Tuesday, the Scottish Parliament unanimously passed a new law releasing menstrual protection. Scotland’s Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon calls it an “important policy for women and girls,” Reuters reports.

“Proud to vote for this groundbreaking legislation, which makes Scotland the first country in the world to provide free menstrual products to all those in need,” Sturgeon wrote on Twitter.

The idea is that menstrual protection should be available in public places such as youth centers, pharmacies and activity houses. But it is not completely free: for taxpayers it is estimated to cost 24 million pounds (approximately 274 million crowns).

Around 10 per cent of all girls in the UK cannot afford menstrual protection, according to a survey conducted by the interest group Plan International in 2017. Activists have warned that many may skip school.

The Scottish MP Monica Lennon, who is a member of the Labor Party and introduced the bill, believes that no one should have to worry about the origin of their tampons or sanitary pads.

“Scotland will not be the last country to put menstrual poverty aside, but we have a chance to be the first,” he said during the debate.

In 2018, Scotland became the first country to offer free menstrual protection in schools and universities.

Read more:

Free menstrual protection is now offered in all schools in England

They had enough and started a menstrual revolution in Britain
