Sahlgrenska urgently needs blood


In recent weeks, far fewer people have left blood than usual.

According to a press release from Sahlgrenska University Hospital, around 2,500 blood transfusions were needed in a typical month during the pandemic. But in October, the number was just 1,990.

– We experience that many blood donors call and cancel their appointment. This is partly because more people are aware of cold symptoms and therefore shouldn’t donate blood. But also that the stricter advice on staying at home and not staying in shopping malls or other public places makes you reluctant to visit GeBlod in Nordstan and Frölunda Torg, says chief physician Lena Lyxe, GeBlod reception of Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

3,000 blood donors needed in Gothenburg

Before the Christmas and New Year holidays, the need for blood is urgent. It is the same situation in many blood centers in the country, especially in larger cities with university hospitals.

– We need to replenish the blood supply and this applies mainly to large blood groups A and 0. We completely depend on healthy blood donors to continue donating blood before Christmas and New Years with several red days, says Lena Lyxe in the statement press.

About 3,000 blood donors are needed before Christmas to secure the supply.

Blood is used, among other things, for cancer treatments, operations, complications of childbirth and accidents.

Lena Lyxe claims that all the medical care that cannot wait must continue despite the corona pandemic and long weekends.
