Less and less hospitalized people die in covid-19


The proportion dying after receiving hospital care for covid-19 has more than halved between March and October, figures from the National Board of Health and Welfare show. In March, 20 percent of those hospitalized died after 14 days. By October, that number had fallen 8.7 percent.

“During the pandemic, health care has gained an increasing understanding of how covid-19 should be treated,” says Thomas Lindén, department head of the National Board of Health and Welfare, in a press release.

Just under 18,500 were hospitalized in Sweden for covid-19 between March and October. 14 percent of them received intensive care, most of them at the beginning of the pandemic. In March, the proportion of hospitalized patients needing intensive care was 20 percent, on October 9.

Lindén points out several possible contributing factors, such as clot prevention treatment, cortisone, abdominal condition, and better methods for oxygen treatment.

“Improving care capacity and reducing the burden of care, as well as decreasing patients when admitted to hospital, may also have contributed.”
