This spring, seven Swedish municipalities ended their collaborations with cities in China due to lack of human rights.
Now the municipality of Gävle is doing the same and ending its 10-year collaboration with the Chinese city of Zhuhai, writes Gefle Dagblad.
– We believe that development in China has gone in the wrong direction during these five years. It is one reason, among others, to end the collaboration, S-municipal councilor Jörgen Edsvik tells Gefle Dagblad about the break.
The idea with the collaboration was from the beginning for cities to learn from each other in, among other things, geographic information technology, GIS. Gävle University also had an exchange with Zhuhai University and Chinese students from there studied at Gävle.
In June, Gävle’s moderates drafted a motion demanding an end to cooperation referring to the fact that political development in China has deteriorated significantly since 2010 and that the association has not given Gävle any added value.
According to a poll conducted this spring by the Kaliber radio program on P1, 24 Swedish municipalities then had some kind of cooperation agreement with cities in China.